Meet Jessica, a nurse practitioner from Nashville, Tennesee! She had an incredible experience that changed her life and gave her motivation to DO SOMETHING!
First, the WHY – HOPE!
I have seen firsthand the hope that an egg a day can provide to hungry children. I witnessed the compassion and hard work of multiple KORE team members. One KORE team member recognized that the children at this local school were hungrier than most – noted by the silence while they waited for their eggs. As heartbreaking as that sounds, and as much as we all wanted to cry, we knew that they were now receiving at least one egg a day! This is life-changing for these children and will help their bellies not be empty so that they not only grow in stature but also in knowledge. I was so pleased to learn that each child will receive a Bible in their local language! Praise be to God!
Second, the HOW!
KORE enables local farmers to receive a much-needed income in a country that is literally starving for work. While visiting one of the farmer’s coops, I got to sing and dance with her young daughter Kiki. And let me tell you, singing and dancing in Haiti is life-giving, as there otherwise may not be much worth singing and dancing about. I also got the opportunity to witness Kore team members getting their hands dirty when they helped peel eggs to feed the local school children. They even taught me the easiest way to peel an egg! A life lesson I thought I already knew, but definitely had room to improve! ????
Third, the COLLABORATION needed!
KORE can’t do this alone. Not only do they need the support of grants, they also need the support of people from around the world. Every day KORE gets to be the hands and feet of Christ in a country that desperately needs to see the love of God in real, tangible ways. They need the support of local churches and partners – financially, and through prayer. Please join me in supporting the great work that God is doing through KORE each and every day.
How can you get involved? Click HERE to read about how you can Hatch Hope in the lives of these kids right now!