About KORE
KORE's History
Kore was a businessman, mentioned in the Old Testament in II Chronicles 31, who was appointed by King Hezekiah to distribute the “free will offerings” to young and old alike, with special attention toward “the little ones.” It is the only place in the Bible that describes “heap” offerings, which were given so generously that it took five months to count! Kore’s job was to make sure those resources were utilized in the long-term best interest of the people.
We also use the name KORE as an acrostic to define our unique “business as ministry” model on behalf of the Christian poor.
Kindness The touch of Christ in practical ways.
Sustainable Solutions
The KORE Foundation was founded by Dennis and Brenda Bratton, after his retirement following 33 years as senior pastor of Christ Church in Jacksonville, FL. Dennis was given a copy of The Poor Will Be Glad, prompting him to pursue a new type of ministry that would provide sustainable solutions to extreme poverty for the people of Haiti utilizing a “business as ministry” model. KORE’s approach is to create business opportunities in agricultural development to promote food security, economic development and community health in Haiti.
Beyond Relief
KORE relentlessly pursues new opportunities that create life change for the people of Haiti. Our goal will always be to go Beyond Relief focusing on treating the underlying cause of the problem, not just the symptoms. Drawing upon the best thinking in business, education, and non-profit worlds, we have been able to develop strategies that maximize impact.